Tuesday, August 26, 2008

One Star Health Energy Drinks

The studies show that around 70 million energy drinks are consumed a day... Yikes, every day :)

And that one of the best ways to regain and maintain PH is to consume more greens.

Most energy drinks on the market today either have entirely too much sugar or are using a sweetening substitute that may not be very good for you either.

The most readily heard complaint from Physicians today is lack of energy by their patients, along with weight gain, and poor digestion.

Visit RUTired.info for some answers

Stephanie Haile aka Wavecritter Google Me
One Star Health


Wavecritter said...

Getting low on sugar will help in many areas of your health :) Keepin it healthy guys :)

Kurt Mitchell said...

sugar bad....honey good....

Wyverex said...

Great energy drink, thanx